How to prolong the performance of Wi-Fi router ?
Proper care of your Wi-Fi router will keep it running smoothly for a long period of time. Follow these tips to improve your router's performance and extend its life:
1. Place your router well
The location of your router affects signal strength and quality:
Place in the center of the house: place it in the center of your home or office so that the signal spreads everywhere evenly.
Place at an elevated position: Place the router above ground level, such as on a shelf.
Keep away from metal and electrical devices: Keep the router away from metal objects and other electronic devices to avoid signal interference.
2. Temperature and air circulation
To keep the router working properly, store it in a cool place with good air circulation:
Keep away from excessive heat: Keep the router away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
Control air flow: keep the router's vents open so that the internal components of the device are well cooled.
3. Regular restart
Restart the router regularly:
Regularly: reboot the router regularly to improve the performance and stability of the device.
4. Cleaning
Keep the router free from dust and dirt:
Dust removal: clean the router regularly with a soft cloth.
Disinfecting: If necessary, clean the device with a harmless disinfectant.
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